Manifesting the whole woman mentally, physically, and financially.

Manifest the Physical
Become in Tune with Yourself
Self Care For the Physical
Inside and Out
Take a Hike...
...or a walk.
Removing yourself from your home to take a stroll lightens your mood and reduces stress, fatigue and anxiety.
Walking helps to improve your sleep and slows down mental decline.
Did you know a brisk 30 minute walk can burn 200 calories?
Come to Your Senses...
..of smell! Using aromatherapy aids in improving your quality of sleep.
If you suffer from headaches or migraines, you might give aromatherapy a shot by using a diffuser. If you have body aches, incorporating essential oils into your bath or moisturizer can help.
FYI--Peppermint oil is great for improving digestion.
You're Grounded!
Also referred to as "earthing," grounding is a free and easy way to connect to the earth's natural healing properties. It's been said that grounding reduces stress, improves sleep, blood flow, and vitality.
Putting your hands in water, going for a walk, and stepping onto the grass with bare feet are some ways to enjoy grounding.

Let's get physical.
How Physical Health Plays a Part in the Mental
We believe that physical health is key to living a full life. Movement of the body assists with the fluidity of the mind. You are powerful. You are strong. You are capable.
Take advantage of our newsletters, challenges, and tips from fitness professionals ranging from yoga to HIIT.
Sister Is Fine stands behind body positivity